| 1. | Provides service profile , facilities for rent , publications and events -包括有关辅导服务及活动的资料。 |
| 2. | Provides service profile , current offers , and online ordering -出售日本卡通精品,包括有关消息及产品介绍。 |
| 3. | Service profile management 业务轮廓管理 |
| 4. | Web services profiles Web服务配置文件 |
| 5. | Provides company information , service profile , case studies , and event highlights 含公司简介项目介绍客户个案活动花絮等。 |
| 6. | Provides service profile , introduction to terminal facilities and cargo statistics -提供迷你货仓服务。含服务指南仓库地点介绍。 |
| 7. | Provides an overview , service profile , fundraising and promotional messages , forms for downloads 提供活动简介发表文章向政府递交的意见等。 |
| 8. | Provides company information , service profile , general discussions on facilities management and latest news -提供公司简介服务及收费表工程参考图片等。 |
| 9. | There are two ways to get the data service profile on your phone . manual configuration is probably faster and better 在手机上设置数据连接有两种方式。手动配置通常又快又好。 |